2022 VBS Registration Form

June 22-25 6pm (Sat @9:15 am) | Thanks for registering for VBS! We can't wait to see you June 22 at 6pm! The week nights begin at 6 pm. Saturday will begin at 9:15 am followed by a pool party and dinner for the whole family at the Fontana Aquatic Center. We will be done by 7 pm.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
I certify that I am the parent / legal guardian of the student listed above.

I hereby give my consent to have my minor child participate in Vacation Bible School at 11th Street Baptist Church from June 22-25, 2022.

I recognize there are risks involved in participating in thie activity and hereby assume all risk of injury, harm, damage, or death to my minor child in connection with his/her participaton with this activity.


June 22-25 6pm (Sat @9:15 am)
Thanks for registering for VBS! We can't wait to see you June 22 at 6pm! The week nights begin at 6 pm. Saturday will begin at 9:15 am followed by a pool party and dinner for the whole family at the Fontana Aquatic Center. We will be done by 7 pm.